Aug 20, 2024

What is Search Everywhere Optimization (The New SEO)?

Search Everywhere Optimization is the new SEO. Search has moved beyond Google and you need a strategy to remain relevant across platforms.

What is Search Everywhere Optimization (The New SEO)?

What is Search Everywhere Optimization (The New SEO)? How To Build A Brand In The New Social Media World

Search Engine Optimization As We Know It Is Changing

Have you ever seen the movie, Everything Everywhere All At Once? It came out in 2022, so this is not a spoiler. You have had two years to watch it!

It's great. It won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2023.

The movie is centered around a woman named Evelyn, who runs a struggling laundromat with her husband Waymond, and their daughter Joy?

Joy, Evelyn, and Waymond

What does this have to do with SEO?

Bear with me... there's a point to this.

Before Alpha-Waymond (aka her husband from a different multiverse) confronted her in the closet of an office building about her true potential, Evelyn had no idea that there was anything else out there or that she was capable of anything else.

That moment is the turning point for her entire life, and marks the beginning of her transformation from a struggling mother, in a failing marriage, and an overworked small business owner, to Evelyn the warrior who will save the world.

Evelyn The Warrior

You see Evelyn is like many SEOs and Content Creators out there, who spent their whole life working incredibly hard to have their content ranked and discovered on Google, The Search Engine.

Now, a content creator can no longer focus on JUST being relevant on Google - they have to be wherever their customers are searching.

This is across YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, LinkedIn.

And beyond the humans, content creators need to think about an entierely different persona beyond Tiktok users - they need to think about the AI Search Engines like Chat GPT, Perplexity, Claude, Search GPT, and Google Gemini,

We have moved from an era of a Single Content Universe to a Content Multiverse.

And like Evelyn, and her family at the laundromat, she was working harder and harder for less of a return.

With the proliferation of studio quality cameras on super computers, ever present social media platforms, and now with the proliferation of AI, anyone can create content, about everything everywhere all at once.

Audience growth and Audience Building isn't a skillset possessed by the few, but anyone with a YouTube channel can build an audience and stronger connections with their fans than even the largest brands in the world with the deepest pockets.

This article reveals essential tactics for amplifying your brand’s presence on multiple platforms, so you can be everywhere all at once, and dominate in this new world of Social Media.

I Won't Bury The Lead. Here Are A Few Key Takeaways

  • Search Everywhere Optimization (SEO) requires a holistic and consistent approach, focusing on engaging your target audience through high-quality content across multiple platforms.
  • Traditional search engines are no longer the main place where cutomers are searching. Audience engagement is the most important metric and you need to be omnipresent to do that well.
  • Building backlinks still ranks as the most important factor in this landscape. And you know how you build backlinks? By building high-quality content and tools that people love to establish your brand as an authority in the space.

Understanding Search Everywhere Optimization

Effective Strategies To Build An Audience

The Evolution of the Search Ecosystem

For heightened brand visibility, it is essential to tailor content to these networks versus Google alone. Informational searches and increasingly, product searches are happening directly within marketplaces rather than via conventional search engines.

Social Media Search

Social media platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, have become fundamental search tools for younger audiences, transforming the ecosystem of online search.

Google reports that 40% of young people want to get their information from platforms like TikTok and Instagram instead of traditional search engines like Google.

They are the show me, don't tell me generation.

Youtube Shorts and Instagram Stories are the new text.

AI & Chatbot Search

Platforms like Perplexity, ChatGPT and Claude are becoming the first places that the majority of professionals go to ask a question. These tools offer more sophisticated and conversational search experiences and are more contextual to the individual versus broad based queries.

Search Is Embedded Into Most Products We Love

Google Search Bar

Search has expanded from a single search bar at to being embedded into every single app and experience we value.

From booking an airline, to a hotel, to an Airbnb, or finding your favorite songs to listen to on Spotify, or finding a podcast with a specific guest in your Apple Podcast app, search is at the forefront of your experience.

Airbnb Search Experience

Search is embedded into Enterprise Analytics Dashboards these days because visualization is a form of search. It's finding relevant data out of raw information.

Mapping applications such as Google Maps or Mapbox are search applications. Users are trying to find a relevant place spatially.

Search is bigger than a box, and it requires more focus on what our customers and prospects want rather than what Google wants.

But brand building is not even about mastering what people are searching for, it's understanding what's going viral and what's being discovered.

Have you heard of Nathan Apodaca?

If you haven't that's ok - but as of now, Nathan or "Doggface" has 7.6 million followers on TikTok, 2.6 million followers on Instagram and almost 300,000 subscribers on YouTube.

You may not have heard of Nathan, but clearly a LOT of other people have.

He has transformed from a potato factory worker in Idaho sipping some Ocean Spray cran-rasberry juice on his longboard to an international celebrity simply by filming himself on a commute.

Why am I telling this story?

Because in order for your brand to be relevant, you're not just competiting against your competitors for attention, you're competing against regular people like Nathan with a camera phone.

Plenty of creatros like Nathan, or Mr Beast across YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), and Snapchat are building their own communities larger than the biggest companies with larger budgets because they understand that Google is no longer the primary battle ground.

How To Dominate Search Everywhere Optimization in 2024

Key elements of search engine optimization illustrated with icons.

The name of the game in business has always been about creating and distributing content that your target customers or find meaningful, valuable, and relevant.

That hasn't changed.

But there has been a massive change in how your content is perceived as relevant because of the many different form factors and user preferences.

For example, if you're going to post a video on TikTok versus Instagram, are you considering the different types of audio you might use on TikTok versus Instagram?

Before you post it as a YouTube short - have you considered tweaking the title, to make sure your video is optimized for SEO on YouTube?

Do you know the difference between stories, carousals, Reels, and status updates?

Keeping the modern audience engaged involves a dedicated approach and relentless effort. But the results pay off in spades. Genuine followers not only absorb your content, but also interact with it and become brand ambassadors.

Optimizing Content Across Platforms

Utilizing appropriate hashtags, actively participating in dialogues via comments and direct messages, and disseminating content judiciously are essential strategies for enhancing visibility on social media platforms and crafting impactful posts.

Forge Meaningful Digital Connections

To forge meaningful connections with other individuals on these platforms, it’s important to interact with their content as well – this demonstrates camaraderie and reciprocity.

This is especially true on networked platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Having influencers with high follower counts meaningfully engage with your content can broaden reach and genuine engagement to a much broader audience.  

Utilizing AI-Driven Searches

The advent of generative AI has revolutionized the realm of search, enabling conventional search engines to deliver results that are not only more contextual but also comprehensive right on the search page. Focus on leveraging AI for improved search relevancy.

To identify what truly captures the attention of your audience. Platforms such as TikTok Creator Insights will literally show you what your target audience wants to consume. It is the new Ahrefs for understanding what people are searching for and can aid in helping you customize your content strategy effectively.

Leveraging Video Content

Don't show me. Tell me.

Users tend to engage more with visual narratives rather than written content, making video content a powerful tool for boosting engagement rates.

Platforms like YouTube are the new TV and dominate the queries on the internet.

YouTube is now the second largest search engine behind Google.

If you're not optimizing for YouTube you're missing out.

Enhance the visibility of YouTube videos by optimizing thumbnails, titles and descriptions for each post.

Make sure your video has a hook, has captivating and well edited content using a product like CapCut or others.

Best Practices for SEO in 2024

Your content has to be high-quality but also aligns with what users are seeking to rank for the top positions within search engines today. Search engines give precedence to pages that exhibit relevance and superiority in their content.

For the purpose of search everywhere optimization, optimizing user experience on websites plays a pivotal role. It impacts both the ranking and visibility significantly.

Building Backlinks for Enhanced Visibility

Illustration of backlinks enhancing visibility in search engines.

Constructing backlinks from respected websites indicates expertise to search engines, which boosts ranking positions. Acquiring premium backlinks from pertinent and respected sites optimizes the effect on SEO.

Initiate digital PR efforts by producing worthwhile content and connecting with websites that currently link to rival pages yet haven’t linked to yours. Utilizing white-label services can amplify the prominence of your content by taking advantage of pre-existing networks and assets dedicated to generating backlinks.

Implementing an Omnichannel Approach

Crafting successful marketing campaigns involves the seamless integration of multiple channels, both digital and conventional. By doing so, businesses can amplify their content’s visibility while exerting minimal effort within their marketing endeavors.

Providing robust customer service across several platforms enhances customer fidelity and elevates the overall purchasing experience. Pinpointing your optimal consumer demographic is vital in developing a focused omnichannel approach to marketing.

Tools and Resources for Effective Search Everywhere Optimization

Mastering Search Everywhere Optimization requires powerful tools that facilitate process efficiency and increase visibility. For example, Yoast SEO offers on-page optimization features and analytical tools to help boost SEO rankings when used with WordPress.

By consistently trying out different types of content and methods of engagement, you can identify the most effective approaches for engaging your audience.

TikTok Creator Insights and AnswerThePublic

Utilizing TikTok Creator Insights can enhance your content strategy by offering critical analytics that reveal which kinds of content are striking a chord with audiences. This allows creators to customize their material in alignment with what their audience prefers.

By tapping into AnswerThePublic, you gain access to data about commonly searched keywords, which is instrumental in steering your content creation toward greater visibility. Employing these tools guarantees that your approach to creating content is informed by solid data and poised for success.

White-Label Solutions for Backlink Generation

Businesses can streamline the process of creating and managing backlinks by using white-label solutions, which allow them to avoid developing their own software. These solutions bolster a business’s online visibility while keeping the original source undisclosed.

Search Everywhere Optimization Tips & Takeaways

Illustration of SEO tips and takeaways for search engine optimization.

Remember - Traffic is not the goal. Revenue is.

The traditional Search Engine is just one channel, and it needs to be a major piece of your content strategy but not the lion share of it like it has been in the past.

SEO ≠ Google.

SEO must be holistic, not siloed.

You can't forget that TikTok, YouTube, and even Reddit can be search engines. Optimize your content, brand, and strategies for all kinds of search intent.

Keyword rankings aren't the only Key.

Marketers must move beyond clicks, views, and impressions, and start to think about how SEO fits into a larger brand strategy across all search platforms.

The goal has never been about traffic.

The goal is to drive high-intent visitors who take action that moves them further down the funnel.

So the focus on should be generating the highest quality content that answers the questions your customers are looking for.

AI is a tool. Not the savior.

Too many people are becoming overly reliant on AI tools versus using them as a tool.
Using AI tools to crank out a bunch of low-quality content may produce traffic in the short term but ruin your brand in the long-term.

Especially if Google executes an update that completely eliminates AI dominant content.

Be original.

Producing original and distinctive content is crucial.

Concentrating on constructing your brand while employing omnichannel approaches can greatly improve your online visibility.

In this evolving landscape, it is essential to maintain the novelty of content and specialize in specific areas.

Design for a broad reach. But niched down in specialized subjects to distinguish your brand and voice to distinguish your offering from competitors.

Tools and Techniques:

Numerous instruments are available to augment your SEO endeavors, simplifying the tasks of content management and optimization. For example, utilizing complimentary backlink tools can greatly enhance the authority and visibility of a website, thereby optimizing your marketing efforts.

Utilizing tools powered by artificial intelligence provides comprehensive insights into the behaviors and preferences of your audience, which supports in devising targeted marketing strategies that are more likely to succeed.


In the current digital era, it is crucial to have proficiency in Search Everywhere Optimization for the growth of your brand and to boost revenue. Grasping how search systems have advanced, refining content on multiple platforms, and utilizing artificial intelligence searches along with video content will increase both your online presence and audience interaction.

To reinforce your SEO approach Apply leading methods, generate top-tier backlinks, and embrace a strategy that covers all channels. Keep abreast of new trends and perpetually polish your strategies to remain competitive. Now stride forward boldly into the search domain!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Search Everywhere Optimization?

Search Everywhere Optimization is the new SEO. It focuses on consistently creating engaging content that is relevant for customers and fans wherever they're searching. This entails having a holistic content strategy and ensuring your content is readily accessible on multiple platforms, including search engines, social media, and marketplaces.

Why is building a loyal audience important?

Establishing a devoted audience is essential as it ensures ongoing interaction and visibility for your brand, making it less vulnerable to fluctuations in search engine algorithms.

Such a solid base paves the way for stability and long-term success.

How can I optimize my content for AI-driven searches?

Leverage AI utilities to elevate the search significance of your content, ensuring that you captivate and maintain engagement with your audience through diverse content types.

Continuously trial different strategies to ascertain the most effective approach for resonating with your audience!

What role do backlinks play in SEO?

High-quality backlinks are essential for SEO as they signal to search engines the credibility and authority of your website. Possessing more of these can enhance your site’s ranking and visibility, thereby improving its performance in search engine results.

What are some effective tools for SEO?

In order to enhance your SEO endeavors, think about employing Yoast SEO for WordPress, TikTok Creator Insights, and AnswerThePublic.

Utilizing these resources can substantially improve the optimization of your content as well as its online prominence.


Is Your Brand Search Everywhere Optimized?

Schedule a call to get a Search Everywhere audit to identify growth opportunities for your brand.

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