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Growth Consulting For Indianapolis Small Businesses

I roll up my sleeves with small business owners in Indianapolis struggling to hire digitally native tech talent, and who are struggling to navigate growth in the digital era.

Score Methodology For Small Business Growth

We run all client projects through our score methodology. It helps us to build a cohesive strategy that can be implemented and executed long after we leave a client project. With this, our clients develop the Digital Athleticism needed to succeed in the New Social Media World.

Growth Consulting

Growth Consulting
Growth Consulting

Indianapolis Communities Thrive When Businesses Grow

Indy is one of the best places to live and to raise a family. Period. My wife and I Iive downtown on the near east side with our four kids.

Cook Family Photos August 2024

One thing that makes our community so special is the connectedness and proximity of work, play, family, education and entertainment.

But the secret sauce of Indianapolis is the relational fabric that ties our community together. Hoosiers helping other hoosiers to build better community.

I've spent the last 10 years of my career helping companies with business interests across the world grow, and I want to bring those same tactics, techniques and tools to small businesses in Indianapolis.

Today's Business Landscape Is Evolving Rapidly

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, a new role is emerging that promises to bridge the gap between technology and business operations: the Digital Operations Officer (DOO).

A DOO is more than a specialist They are  organizational athletes who possess a deep understanding of both technology and business processes, as well as the intricate interplay between people and systems.

Relying On Narrow "experts" Won't Cut It. You Need Athletes.

Gone are the days when businesses could rely solely on narrow expertise. The modern business environment is dynamic, fast-paced, and constantly shifting, requiring a new breed of leaders who can adapt quickly and navigate uncertainty.

Digital Operations Officers are these agile problem-solvers, capable of helping organizations combat the challenges of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) with a clear Vision, deep Understanding, strategic Clarity, and unparalleled Agility.

Yesterday's Businesses Had COOs. Tomorrow's Businesses Have DOOs.

While traditional Chief Operating Officers (COOs) were essential for managing businesses in the physical world, the digital future demands a different skill set. DOOs are equipped to guide companies through the uncharted waters of digital transformation, AI integration, and automation. They possess the unique ability to see the big picture while also diving into the details of technological implementation and process optimization.

Delivering Without Distracting Is Hard. Hire The Experts.

People with this rare combination of skills are not easy to find or retain.

When businesses do secure such talent, these valuable assets find themselves spread thin across multiple projects, potentially distracting from core business operations.

Hire an organizational athlete without the complexities of full-time hiring, enabling a focused, efficient approach to digital operations and growth strategies.